Our range of services have grown as our reputation has grown - we can offer and facilitate "value added services". Not all businesses can afford, or need to have in-house expertise on their permanent headcount as a constant overhead. Kelta HR is able to provide a scalable, on demand, one stop solution with a single point of easy access.
Any of the additional services that we detail below can be scaled and customised to individual clients needs. Competitively priced we will provide a cost on application.
An affordable and valuable tool that provides insight, improves retention and talent acquisition as well as increasing your bottom line...
A Level A & B British Psychological Society (BPS) qualified professional will work seamlessly with the HR Department. Learn more
Human Capital Management is the DNA of your workforce. Recognising and nurturing talent and planning ahead to identify and develop future leaders and high performers from within your organisation is critical if you wish to attract and retain the best talent.
A Chartered HR practitioner can design and manage customised career centres to fulfill the needs of developing staff at all levels and for successful team building. Learn more
Whatever role type and volume you are recruiting for, you can take advantage of an independent experienced CBI Practitioner to handle the interviews if you haven't got the time or expertise in-house. Request more information here.
The HR market place is constantly evolving and based on supply and demand we can offer up to date "real time" advice and intelligence on the HR market place in Sussex and Surrey in relation to benchmarking salaries and current shortages or abundances of certain skill sets. So contact us to benchmark a HR or Training role against the proposed or current salary level.
If you need someone to provide hands-on HR support, acting as an outsourced HR department and giving guidance exactly when it is needed then contact us. We can arrange practical and commercial solutions with a partnering HR Consultancy who help companies resolve difficult employment issues effectively.
Comprehensive, practical support for companies that want to grow, both in terms of their people and their profits.
A variety of management training courses to provide managers with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to maximise business performance, whilst reducing costs and legal risks. Contact us.
We are committed to investing in the HR community in Sussex and Surrey and allocate up to an annual budget of £4000 to organise complimentary Employment Law Seminars and HR workshops for HR Clients across the region.
They are very popular and "sell" out quickly. Learn more and pre-register your interest.
The HR market place is constantly evolving and based on supply and demand we can offer up to date "real time" advice and intelligence on the HR market place in Sussex and Surrey in relation to benchmarking salaries and current shortages or abundances of certain skill sets
Every year, Kelta HR is committed to investing back into the local HR community, by spending up to £4,000 annually, hosting employment law seminars and workshops within the local Sussex and Surrey area.
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