We have posted these policies for your reference.
Kelta HR embraces diversity and aims to promote the benefits of diversity in all of our business activities. Our values incorporate honesty, openness and service in an environment where we expect supportive and inclusive teamwork within our business and in partnership with others...
Read moreKelta HR Ltd, recognises that slavery and human trafficking remains a hidden blight on our global society. The aim of the Company is to identify our responsibility by alerting staff to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain...
Read moreKelta HR is committed to addressing environmental issues for the following reasons:
Kelta HR's mission is to add value to the recruitment process by ensuring that indirect costs do not escalate when recruiting HR roles and Training positions in Sussex and Surrey.
Take a look at what is included in our standard levels of service. If you expect these to be automatically included when using recruitment agencies, then our experience tells us that they are not.
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